We are Europe. Every day. Project Activities We are Europe. Every day. EUinfo Admin2014-01-14T15:31:41+02:0014/01/2014|Categories: Project Activities|
EU Mobility Scoreboard: more effort needed to promote studies and training abroad for students EUinfo Admin2014-01-13T21:02:31+02:0013/01/2014|Categories: News from Brussels|
Kacin: Serbs in the North should form local self-government as soon as possible EUinfo Admin2014-01-11T21:27:46+02:0011/01/2014|Categories: News|
The challenges facing the EU in its relations with great powers this year EUinfo Admin2014-01-10T21:01:10+02:0010/01/2014|Categories: News from Brussels|
EU is the biggest donor of housing refugees and displaced persons Project Activities EU is the biggest donor of housing refugees and displaced persons EUinfo Admin2014-01-10T15:28:28+02:0010/01/2014|Categories: Project Activities|
Greece took over the presidency of the Union EUinfo Admin2014-01-09T21:23:25+02:0009/01/2014|Categories: News|
Ombudsman: European Union citizenship is in crisis EUinfo Admin2014-01-09T20:59:39+02:0009/01/2014|Categories: News from Brussels|
Women in South and South West Serbia launching own businesses Project Activities Women in South and South West Serbia launching own businesses EUinfo Admin2014-01-09T15:26:14+02:0009/01/2014|Categories: Project Activities|