18,009 pieces of firearms destroyed by the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia with the support of the EU and the UNDP Project Activities 18,009 pieces of firearms destroyed by the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia with the support of the EU and the UNDP Jovan2017-07-23T12:02:40+02:0021/07/2017|Categories: Project Activities|
Customs Union: EU customs seized over 41 million fake goods at EU borders last year News from Brussels Customs Union: EU customs seized over 41 million fake goods at EU borders last year Jovan2017-07-20T13:00:10+02:0020/07/2017|Categories: News from Brussels|
Security and defence: Significant progress to enhance Europe’s resilience against hybrid threats News from Brussels Security and defence: Significant progress to enhance Europe’s resilience against hybrid threats Jovan2017-07-19T13:31:12+02:0019/07/2017|Categories: News from Brussels|
Serbia making progress in using pre-accession funds News Serbia making progress in using pre-accession funds Jovan2017-07-18T19:47:41+02:0018/07/2017|Categories: News|
EIB board backs EUR 12 billion of new investment including transformational new transport, energy and internet schemes News from Brussels EIB board backs EUR 12 billion of new investment including transformational new transport, energy and internet schemes Jovan2017-07-19T16:16:36+02:0018/07/2017|Categories: News from Brussels|
Leggeri: Frontex liaison officer coming to Serbia, will be responsible for entire Western Balkans News Leggeri: Frontex liaison officer coming to Serbia, will be responsible for entire Western Balkans Jovan2017-07-19T16:50:41+02:0018/07/2017|Categories: News|
MEPs in a visit to Obrenovac News MEPs in a visit to Obrenovac Jovan2017-07-18T19:33:03+02:0018/07/2017|Categories: News|
Debate on the Future of Europe: 1,750 events so far with the potential to reach over 30 million Europeans News from Brussels Debate on the Future of Europe: 1,750 events so far with the potential to reach over 30 million Europeans Jovan2017-07-17T15:46:43+02:0017/07/2017|Categories: News from Brussels|
Employment and social developments in Europe: 2017 review shows positive trends but highlights high burden on the young News from Brussels Employment and social developments in Europe: 2017 review shows positive trends but highlights high burden on the young Jovan2017-07-17T15:41:16+02:0017/07/2017|Categories: News from Brussels|