Michael Davenport: Progressive alignment with the EU News Michael Davenport: Progressive alignment with the EU Jovan2017-02-14T11:01:21+02:0031/03/2015|Categories: News|
Introductory Speech – Mr. Oskar Benedikt Deputy Head of the EU Delegation News, Speeches Introductory Speech – Mr. Oskar Benedikt Deputy Head of the EU Delegation Jovan2017-02-14T12:22:33+02:0031/03/2015|Categories: News, Speeches|
EUROSTAT: Labour costs in the EU News from Brussels EUROSTAT: Labour costs in the EU Jovan2015-03-30T14:36:57+02:0030/03/2015|Categories: News from Brussels|
EU Opening Statement on Serbian OSCE Chairmanship Conference “Protection and Integrity of Journalists in the OSCE Region” News, Speeches EU Opening Statement on Serbian OSCE Chairmanship Conference “Protection and Integrity of Journalists in the OSCE Region” Jovan2017-02-14T12:22:13+02:0030/03/2015|Categories: News, Speeches|
Mogherini in Belgrade: Firmly On The EU Path News Mogherini in Belgrade: Firmly On The EU Path Jovan2017-02-14T12:19:49+02:0028/03/2015|Categories: News|
Tackling youth unemployment: a top priority News from Brussels Tackling youth unemployment: a top priority Jovan2015-03-27T15:25:50+02:0027/03/2015|Categories: News from Brussels|
Round Table On Asylum Seekers Held In Belgrade Jovan2015-03-26T18:01:00+02:0026/03/2015|Categories: Project Activities|
The EU milk sector prepares for the end of milk quotas News from Brussels The EU milk sector prepares for the end of milk quotas Jovan2015-03-26T15:28:55+02:0026/03/2015|Categories: News from Brussels|
Adoption of the 2014 European Neighbourhood Reports Jovan2015-03-26T14:06:54+02:0026/03/2015|Categories: News from Brussels|