Climate Diplomacy Week in Serbia News Climate Diplomacy Week in Serbia Jovan2018-09-25T15:56:39+02:0024/09/2018|Categories: News|
Kicking off the 2018 European Week of Sport News from Brussels Kicking off the 2018 European Week of Sport Jovan2018-09-21T13:50:48+02:0021/09/2018|Categories: News from Brussels|
Hahn: Pristina-Belgrade Agreement should be specific, not a precedent News Hahn: Pristina-Belgrade Agreement should be specific, not a precedent Jovan2018-09-21T15:45:54+02:0021/09/2018|Categories: News|
Serbia, EU initial migration management agreement News Serbia, EU initial migration management agreement Jovan2018-10-31T18:10:02+02:0020/09/2018|Categories: News|
Fabrizi: Constitution reform should eliminate political influence on judiciary News Fabrizi: Constitution reform should eliminate political influence on judiciary Jovan2018-09-24T08:47:46+02:0018/09/2018|Categories: News|
Commission presents comprehensive approach for the modernisation of the World Trade Organisation News from Brussels Commission presents comprehensive approach for the modernisation of the World Trade Organisation Jovan2018-09-18T15:52:26+02:0018/09/2018|Categories: News from Brussels|
The EU strengthens its support to media freedom and young journalists in the Western Balkans News The EU strengthens its support to media freedom and young journalists in the Western Balkans Jovan2018-09-18T15:48:49+02:0018/09/2018|Categories: News|
Roundtable on Constitutional amendments, Ambassador Fabrizi opening remarks News Roundtable on Constitutional amendments, Ambassador Fabrizi opening remarks Jovan2018-09-18T14:30:54+02:0018/09/2018|Categories: News|
Norčič Štamcar: Every Euro invested in flood prevention returns multiplies in return Project Activities Norčič Štamcar: Every Euro invested in flood prevention returns multiplies in return Jovan2018-09-18T08:43:51+02:0017/09/2018|Categories: Project Activities|