Serbian cultural heritage is an integral part of the common heritage of the EU, and the EU is committed to its preservation as part of the collective future – this is the main message of the second day of the European Opportunity Week, which is dedicated to the topics from the domain of culture.

The Ambassador of the European Union in Serbia – Emanuele Giaufret opened the day, filled with panels and talks by experts, who will talk about the opportunities that the European Union offers to cultural workers.

“With great pleasure I open the second day of the EU Opportunity Week, which focuses on culture and tourism. Culture and cultural heritage are at the heart of the European Union. They connect our peoples and unite us in our diversity, empowering citizens to support the core values ​​of our Union: freedom, democracy, equality, solidarity, the rule of law and respect for human rights. These values ​​are of vital importance for fostering a common feeling of belonging to the European project, a project in which we see Serbia and its people as an integral part,” Ambassador Giaufret said.

He added that together with the EU, Serbia ensures greater protection of cultural actors and heritage: Serbian cultural heritage gives rich and invaluable contribution to the common heritage of Europe that increases its richness and diversity.

“The EU is committed to preserving Serbian cultural heritage as part of our common European identity. As part of the EU family, Serbia’s cultural treasures will enjoy the highest level of protection and recognition in Europe,” the Ambassador said.

Heritage Heroine announced in the Europe House

The winner of the annual Heritage Hero/Heroine Award was announced at the ceremony during the European Opportunity Week. This year, the award winner is Svetlana Spajić, who deals with the preservation and promotion of Serbian traditional music.

The Heritage Hero/Heroine Award was established to recognize and celebrate the individual efforts of citizens in the preservation of cultural heritage. The initiative was launched by the Delegation of the European Union in Serbia, in partnership with the organization Europa Nostra Serbia, so the award winner was announced by the EU Ambassador to Serbia, Emanuele Giaufret, in the company of Slavica Vujović, President of Europa Nostra Serbia.

Each of the nominees this year is a true custodian of heritage in their respective fields, said Ambassador Giaufret – whether it is architecture, music, traditional crafts or the preservation of forgotten customs and traditions.

“Therefore, I am pleased to congratulate Mrs. Svetlana Spajić, traditional singer, performer, advocate of intangible heritage, pedagogue and cultural activist, on being declared the Heritage Heroine in 2024. Svetlana Spajić has shown exceptional and long-term commitment to research, documentation, interpretation, preservation and promotion of Serbian traditional music. Her work in education, advocacy and policy development has made her a leading figure in the protection of intangible heritage.

Svetlana works every day to preserve cultural heritage and inspire others to action. With her long-term commitment, she motivated many young people to engage in traditional singing and help preserve their heritage,” said the Ambassador.

He announced that the official presentation of the award will take place in December, and on that occasion he thanked the important partner – Europa Nostra.

The European Opportunity Week, the second one in a row, is being held this year from September 23 to 27. The first four days cover the topics of business and innovation, culture, civil sector, media, education, youth and sports, local development, and the activities take place in the European House Belgrade. On the last day, panels on local development, territorial cooperation and green transition, as well as formal ceremonies and networking are held in Niš, at the “Tami” Hotel.

Find the detailed agenda and other details of the European Opportunity Week on the following page:  

During this event, you will have the opportunity to hear all about the most important European programs, projects and funds that are available in Serbia. Opportunities are numerous and include public calls, grants, loans, youth opportunities, student exchanges, competitions, skills development and free training.

If you are not able to follow the program live or online, you will be able to find all the sessions on the EU YT channel in Serbia, after October 7.