More information about open calls on website.

Open Calls Opening date Closing date

The Delegation of the EU to Serbia intends to publish several Calls for Proposals, during the validity period of the established list of experts. The objective of this call for expressions of interest is to set up a list of external experts.

The experts should individually cover one of the following Grant Scheme fields:

  1. Rule of Law (anti-corruption, migration, LGBTI);
  2. Democracy and Human Rights;
  3. Media Freedom;
  4. Information and Communication;
  5. Environment and climate change, biodiversity;
  6. Local and regional development, social enterprises;
  7. Culture (Culture heritage, culture initiatives);
  8. Sustainable agriculture and cooperation, urban planning and mobility, consumer protection;
  9. Civil Society;
  10. Social inclusion, public and mental health, support to the most vulnerable women and men, girls and boys.

More details can be found in this document.

Expressions of interest should be submitted by 5 July 2024 15:00CET the latest, in English language by electronic means to the following address:

19 June, 2024 5 July, 2024