The Minister of Interior Nebojsa Stefanovic and the European Commissioner for Home Affairs and Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos initialled an agreement between Serbia and the EU on operations conducted by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) in Serbia.
The Commissioner told a joint press conference that the agreement is intended to improve security on external EU borders and help Serbia manage migration.
He said Frontex would conduct operations in Serbia and support the border control, adding that the Agency will not be taking over the tasks and competencies from national authorities.
Avramopoulos said the EU wanted to sign similar agreements with other countries in the region as part of the EU accession process in the Western Balkans.
According to him, these activities are an integral part of the process of bringing the Western Balkans closer to the EU.
“Cooperation with the Government of Serbia contributes to achieving other EU-related goals as well. Let’s seize this momentum to the fullest,” he said and added that everyone in the region should fight against all forms of crime together, including terrorism and arms trafficking.
I support Serbia on its EU path and hope that nothing will put its journey to the EU in danger, he said.
Applying a proactive approach and making more effort to tackle migration are of paramount importance, he said, adding that he hoped the EU would step up cooperation with Serbia in that regard as well.
“Serbia is a great European country with great people. I hope that it will soon become a full-fledged member of the EU. I will continue to fully support Serbian Government in its efforts to implement the joint EU agenda,” he said.
Stefanovic said that Serbia was truly committed to fighting all forms of crime, adding that the country should collaborate with all international partners to keep its citizens safe.

“The important thing for Serbia is to do whatever is necessary to make sure its citizens enjoy freedom of movement. We can do so only in close cooperation with all our partners,” the Minister said.
He recalled that the EU viewed Serbia as a Member State during the migrant crisis and made dealing with migration easier.
“This agreement is important for us as it opens up new opportunities for Serbia, makes the fight against illegal migration easier and provides greater security and protection for our citizens,” Stefanovic said.
He said the agreement would now be sent to the Parliament for ratification.
Avramopoulos and he also discussed joint crime combatting activities and Serbia’s contribution to reducing the risks and chances of crime, Stefanovic said.