The Deputy Head of Delegation Visits Niš News The Deputy Head of Delegation Visits Niš Masa2024-08-16T16:41:24+02:0016/08/2024|Categories: News|
Every day is energy day What's new Every day is energy day Masa2024-06-13T15:39:01+02:0012/06/2024|Categories: What's new|
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IPARD III: What do Measure 4 and Measure 5 bring? What's new IPARD III: What do Measure 4 and Measure 5 bring? Masa2024-05-24T11:20:57+02:0022/05/2024|Categories: What's new|Tags: Agriculture Fair|
Climate change in agriculture – a new subject in schools Uncategorized Climate change in agriculture – a new subject in schools Masa2024-05-24T11:11:09+02:0022/05/2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: Agriculture Fair|
Food quality in Serbia and the EU News Food quality in Serbia and the EU Masa2024-05-21T10:33:23+02:0020/05/2024|Categories: News|Tags: Agriculture Fair|