Digital Single Market: Commission takes action on e-commerce, audiovisual media rules and online platforms News from Brussels Digital Single Market: Commission takes action on e-commerce, audiovisual media rules and online platforms Jovan2016-05-26T06:58:05+02:0025/05/2016|Categories: News from Brussels|
“Open Day“ at Croatian Embassy News “Open Day“ at Croatian Embassy Jovan2016-05-30T04:45:27+02:0025/05/2016|Categories: News|
Commission awards exemplary projects protecting nature across Europe News from Brussels Commission awards exemplary projects protecting nature across Europe Jovan2016-05-25T06:34:27+02:0024/05/2016|Categories: News from Brussels|
Joint Statement on the outcomes of the World Humanitarian Summit News from Brussels Joint Statement on the outcomes of the World Humanitarian Summit Jovan2016-05-25T06:30:57+02:0024/05/2016|Categories: News from Brussels|
EU export helpdesk – vaš ključ za evropsko tržište News EU export helpdesk – vaš ključ za evropsko tržište Jovan2016-05-27T14:12:34+02:0024/05/2016|Categories: News|
Meeting of Ambassador Davenport with Prime Minister Vucic News Meeting of Ambassador Davenport with Prime Minister Vucic Jovan2016-05-27T12:45:43+02:0024/05/2016|Categories: News|
Commission awards €25 million in emergency funding to the European Asylum Support Office for capacity building in Greece News from Brussels Commission awards €25 million in emergency funding to the European Asylum Support Office for capacity building in Greece Jovan2016-05-24T20:39:05+02:0024/05/2016|Categories: News from Brussels|
Mogherini: EU to increase political engagement in UN-led talks News from Brussels Mogherini: EU to increase political engagement in UN-led talks Jovan2016-05-24T20:55:36+02:0023/05/2016|Categories: News from Brussels|
European Union commits to action at the World Humanitarian Summit News from Brussels European Union commits to action at the World Humanitarian Summit Jovan2016-05-23T12:57:17+02:0023/05/2016|Categories: News from Brussels|