Finland – education and happiness Media Trips to EU 2015-2018, archive Finland – education and happiness Jovan2018-06-19T12:36:19+02:0001/06/2018|Categories: Media Trips to EU 2015-2018, archive|
EU invests in media and IT literacy of elementary and high school students in Serbia through “Digital Drive” Project Activities, Success Stories EU invests in media and IT literacy of elementary and high school students in Serbia through “Digital Drive” Jovan2018-06-04T10:43:01+02:0031/05/2018|Categories: Project Activities, Success Stories|
EU support of Serbian Judicial Academy for greater availability of justice Project Activities EU support of Serbian Judicial Academy for greater availability of justice Jovan2018-06-04T10:11:40+02:0031/05/2018|Categories: Project Activities|
Europe Month: A week-long journey for Europa Diary winners Project Activities Europe Month: A week-long journey for Europa Diary winners Jovan2018-06-05T22:11:23+02:0031/05/2018|Categories: Project Activities|
New perspectives in EU-Western Balkans cultural relations Project Activities New perspectives in EU-Western Balkans cultural relations Jovan2018-05-30T15:52:00+02:0030/05/2018|Categories: Project Activities|
Organic Bridge familiarizes Serbian and Croatian producers with European practices and experiences Project Activities, Success Stories Organic Bridge familiarizes Serbian and Croatian producers with European practices and experiences Jovan2018-05-31T09:41:28+02:0030/05/2018|Categories: Project Activities, Success Stories|
Construction of waste-water purification facility starts at Raska Municipality Project Activities Construction of waste-water purification facility starts at Raska Municipality Jovan2018-05-31T09:43:31+02:0029/05/2018|Categories: Project Activities|
Support of EU and the Council of Europe for the strengthening of the Roma community at the local level Project Activities Support of EU and the Council of Europe for the strengthening of the Roma community at the local level Jovan2018-06-04T10:44:18+02:0029/05/2018|Categories: Project Activities|
Wind and luck in Finland Media Trips to EU 2015-2018, archive Wind and luck in Finland Jovan2018-06-19T12:35:18+02:0025/05/2018|Categories: Media Trips to EU 2015-2018, archive|