Accelerated climate change continually reminds us of the importance of replacing polluting vehicles with bicycles, rollerblades, and similar modes of transport that are healthier and do not require parking spaces.

Today’s event at Ada Ciganlija is a step towards this goal and is crucial for raising awareness about the importance of smart urban mobility. For every passenger vehicle brought by participants, JP Parking Service provided free use of four modern city bicycles, which we joyfully rode around the lake.

The European Union Delegation in Serbia, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as part of the “EU for the Green Agenda in Serbia” project, the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM), the Ministry of Construction, Transport, and Infrastructure, and the Tour de Fun Sports Association, organized a one-day event at Ada Ciganlija as part of European Mobility Week.

Plamena Halacheva, Deputy Head of the EU Delegation in Serbia, stated: “As Serbia joins Europe for European Mobility Week 2024, we highlight the importance of sustainable transport for our environment and communities. This week encourages us to adopt cleaner, smarter transport solutions and embrace eco-friendly lifestyles. The EU supports Serbia’s green mobility efforts and is dedicated to reducing emissions and enhancing urban life. I invite everyone to participate in this year’s activities and contribute to a healthier, more sustainable future. With the theme ‘Public Spaces for Everyone,’ we will showcase how walking, cycling, and public transport can positively transform urban living. Join us in making a difference in our cities.”

Ivan Stević, four-time Olympic cyclist and Serbia’s most decorated cyclist, remarked: “I am extremely proud and pleased that today, at Ada Ciganlija, we, together with our friends from the European Delegation in Serbia, organized a wonderful event on two wheels. This initiative includes a skills course and a family bike ride around Ada Ciganlija. Such events ensure a bright future for our children, both in terms of traffic safety and environmental preservation by reducing pollution.”

Children from primary schools in the Čukarica and Novi Beograd municipalities, along with their parents and teachers, enjoyed an interactive obstacle course where they developed agility and cycling skills while learning about safety and urban mobility specifics. Afterward, they participated in a family ride around the lake.

Sustainable mobility is crucial for a healthier environment and a higher quality of life. By reducing car use, we lower air pollution, noise, and traffic congestion, while promoting a healthier lifestyle.

The event promotes a healthy lifestyle, inspiring families to incorporate more physical activity into their daily lives while enjoying fresh air and beautiful surroundings. Additionally, it strengthens community ties by bringing families together for outdoor activities, fostering new friendships, and enhancing community connections. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of safety and responsibility through educating participants on safe cycling practices, proper helmet use, and being considerate of other road users.

This year, European Mobility Week begins with the ever-relevant slogan “Mix and Move!” and focuses on the theme of Public Spaces and Areas. What does this really mean? Public spaces, pedestrian and bike paths, recreational areas, lakes, and squares belong to all of us—whether we are on a bicycle, scooter, rollerblades, or simply walking. Smart mobility means preserving health and the environment—we are all in this together.

If you enjoyed this event, join us for other activities throughout the week and show that you are ready for responsible movement towards a healthier future! Start, ride, walk, and inspire! Whether you are young or old, a sports enthusiast or nature lover, European Mobility Week has something for you.

From September 16 to 22, Serbia will celebrate European Mobility Week, an initiative that promotes sustainable and healthy urban mobility. This year, 35 municipalities are participating, indicating an interest in creating congestion-free cities with functional green spaces.

Since its inception in 2002, European Mobility Week has helped thousands of cities across Europe and the world raise awareness about sustainable mobility and encourage behavioral changes towards walking, cycling, and using public transport. This year, 1,678 cities and municipalities from 42 countries have registered, with registration still open for additional cities and municipalities. Last year, 3,351 cities and municipalities from 45 countries participated, with 1,182 car-free days organized. These figures underline the global significance of the campaign and its crucial role in creating more sustainable cities.

Full programme of the European Mobility Week in Serbia