Skills That Drive Change What's new Skills That Drive Change Nebojsa2025-02-12T16:39:04+02:0012/02/2025|Categories: What's new|
EBRD and EU support Serbia’s transition to clean energy News EBRD and EU support Serbia’s transition to clean energy Nebojsa2025-02-06T11:23:48+02:0006/02/2025|Categories: News|
Open Letter from Commissioner Marta Kos News from Brussels Open Letter from Commissioner Marta Kos Nebojsa2025-02-06T14:33:48+02:0006/02/2025|Categories: News from Brussels|
EU supports greening Serbia with a package of EUR 16.3 million News EU supports greening Serbia with a package of EUR 16.3 million Nebojsa2025-02-04T17:27:33+02:0031/01/2025|Categories: News|
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The European Film Festival gathered cinematographers from all over Vojvodina What's new The European Film Festival gathered cinematographers from all over Vojvodina Nebojsa2025-01-10T13:48:32+02:0026/12/2024|Categories: What's new|
The Women Power in Comics – catalogue and digital platform promotion What's new The Women Power in Comics – catalogue and digital platform promotion Nebojsa2025-01-10T13:43:37+02:0024/12/2024|Categories: What's new|
Svetlana Spajić, Heritage Heroine: to me as a gift from the elders News Svetlana Spajić, Heritage Heroine: to me as a gift from the elders Nebojsa2025-01-13T12:23:12+02:0013/12/2024|Categories: News|
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