The second European Opportunity Week started this morning at the European House in Belgrade. The event was formally opened by the EU Ambassador to Serbia – Emanuele Giaufret, and the Minister for European Integration – Tanja Miščević, with a video message from the Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement – Oliver Varhelyi.

Commissioner Varhelyi highlighted that the European Opportunity Week symbolizes the long-standing partnership between Serbia and the European Union, showing the entire spectrum of opportunities that the EU offers to the citizens, businesses and institutions of Serbia.

“We have made EU enlargement one of the highest priorities on our political agenda. And we are working intensively to bring you some advantages of EU membership even before your full accession,” said the Commissioner.

He highlighted the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans as the main tool, which lays the foundation for accelerated staged integration. The goal is for Serbia and all partners from the Western Balkans to be better prepared, and to go through a faster accession process.

“The Growth Plan aims to boost socio-economic development and rapprochement of the region to the EU with the potential to double the economies of the Western Balkans in the next decade. At the same time, the Plan promotes economic integration within the region through a common regional market,” Varhelyi added.

The commissioner concluded:

“Serbia’s place is in the European Union. The EU is fully committed to supporting Serbia on its path to modernization, growth and EU reforms. We are your partners on this journey and I am confident that together we will succeed. Please make the most of the EU Opportunity Week, so that we can progress on our common path!”

Ambassador Giaufret greeted the participants and announced a rich program during the European Opportunity Week: more than 70 information sessions in Belgrade and Niš, where experts will share insights into EU programs and opportunities.

“We organize the EU Opportunity Week in partnership with the Government of Serbia, to show all the opportunities that the EU offers to the citizens and institutions of Serbia. This is more than an event – this is a symbol of the deep and evolving relationship shared by the EU and Serbia, and our common European future. The EU is not just a donor, but a dedicated partner in the growth, modernization, democratization and prosperity of Serbia, for the benefit of its citizens,” said Giaufret.

He also mentioned the importance of the Growth Plan – both in general and for Serbian SMEs, which will be discussed during the first day of the European Opportunity Week.

“Allow me to reaffirm today the EU’s unwavering commitment to supporting Serbia on its path to modernization, growth and EU membership. With the new Growth Plan, the EU offered an unprecedented opportunity to speed up Serbia’s European integration. All the opportunities that the EU offers to Serbia exist because the EU sees Serbia as a future member state. The success of Serbia is the success of the EU,” Ambassador Giaufret concluded.

Minister Miščević welcomed everyone at the European House, which, as she says, we should consider common. She also welcomed the start of the European Opportunity Week, which is being held for the second year in a row.

“The point of the Opportunity Week is the opportunity to use the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union in the best way, or at least better than before. There are opportunities not only for the state, but also for each of us, from small and medium enterprises to non-governmental organizations at the local level,” said the Minister.

She presented the program that the visitors of the European Opportunity Week will have the chance to see this week, as well as the importance of the topics that will be discussed.

“It is important for us to talk about the European integration process, because we wouldn’t be at this level if we haven’t talked, there wouldn’t even be an opportunity. I hope that you will get answers to your questions, that new questions and new ideas will appear,” Minister Miščević said.

Growth plan for the Western Balkans: what are the benefits for SMEs? is the main topic of the panel, at the start of the European Opportunity Week in Belgrade. Emanuele Giaufret – the EU Ambassador to Serbia, Tanja Miščević – Minister for European Integration, Igor Kronja – Senior Advisor of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, and Kori Udovicki – President of CEVES (Centre for Advanced Economic Studies) spoke about this important topic for the European integration of Serbia.

Read more about it.

The topic of the second panel was the possibility that is already available to companies in Serbia. The program Serbia and the EU – Equipment for the Economy is implemented by the Ministry of Economy in cooperation with the Development Agency of Serbia and the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia, and is primarily intended for small businesses.

Andrea Hochhuber, Head of the Sector for European Integration and Economy in the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia, and Katarina Obradović Jovanović, Assistant Minister of Economy, opened the panel, while the speakers at the panel were Ankica Momčilović from the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Serbia, Ljiljana Marković – Regional Agency for Development and European Integration Belgrade, Vladimir Nikolić from ProCredit bank, as well as Bojan Nastevski in front of the company “Sintermetal” – user of the Equipment Program.

The European Opportunity Week, the second one in a row, is being held this year from September 23 to 27. The first four days will deal with the topics of business and innovation, culture, civil sector, media, education, youth and sports, local development, and the activities will take place in the European House Belgrade. On the last day, panels on local development, territorial cooperation and green transition, as well as formal ceremonies and networking – will take place in Niš, at the “Tami” Hotel. Find the detailed agenda and other details of the European Opportunity Week here:

During this event, you will have the opportunity to hear all about the most important European programs, projects and funds that are available in Serbia. Opportunities are numerous and include public calls, grants, loans, youth opportunities, student exchanges, competitions, skills development and free training.