EU support reconstruction of Krupanj-Korenita flood-damaged road Jovan2016-07-13T07:25:16+02:0026/11/2014|Categories: Project Activities|Tags: EU Assistance for Flood Relief in Serbia|
Reconstruction of 200 houses to be completed by year end Jovan2016-07-13T07:25:17+02:0025/11/2014|Categories: Project Activities|Tags: EU Assistance for Flood Relief in Serbia|
EU joins ’16-days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence’ international campaign Jovan2014-11-24T20:30:59+02:0024/11/2014|Categories: News from Brussels|
EU-funded new web portal helps students find course for any of 24 official European languages Jovan2014-11-24T20:29:24+02:0024/11/2014|Categories: News from Brussels|
Important role of youth in EU accession process News Important role of youth in EU accession process Jovan2017-02-17T14:36:45+02:0024/11/2014|Categories: News|
Regional conference on fundamental rights: press release Jovan2014-11-21T20:27:30+02:0021/11/2014|Categories: News from Brussels|
Non-EU citizens twice as likely to be at risk of poverty or social exclusion as EU nationals in 2013 Jovan2014-11-21T20:26:06+02:0021/11/2014|Categories: News from Brussels|
Authorities at all levels, CSO and EU together to continue fight against Roma marginalisation Project Activities Authorities at all levels, CSO and EU together to continue fight against Roma marginalisation Jovan2014-11-21T08:17:14+02:0021/11/2014|Categories: Project Activities|
EU flood relief weekly update Jovan2016-07-13T07:25:17+02:0021/11/2014|Categories: Project Activities|Tags: EU Assistance for Flood Relief in Serbia|