Juncker Commission takes office News from Brussels Juncker Commission takes office Jovan2014-11-01T19:27:16+02:0001/11/2014|Categories: News from Brussels|
EU’s Book Fair stand: Most successful projects in Serbia and support in combating floods Jovan2014-11-01T00:23:12+02:0001/11/2014|Categories: News|
Librarians, Erasmus alumni and European Literature Award laureates – guests at EU’s Book Fair stand Jovan2014-10-31T21:11:10+02:0031/10/2014|Categories: News|
Faculties across Serbia renovated and modernised through EU funds Jovan2014-10-31T17:08:01+02:0031/10/2014|Categories: Project Activities|
EU Flood Relief weekly update Jovan2016-07-13T07:25:17+02:0031/10/2014|Categories: Project Activities|Tags: EU Assistance for Flood Relief in Serbia|
Breakthrough: 4,6 billion dollar deal secures gas for Ukraine and EU News from Brussels Breakthrough: 4,6 billion dollar deal secures gas for Ukraine and EU Jovan2014-10-31T17:03:52+02:0031/10/2014|Categories: News from Brussels|
Pupils from Obrenovac and Nis at EU’s Book Fair stand Jovan2014-10-30T21:07:50+02:0030/10/2014|Categories: News|
EU educational programmes open for Serbian students and education staff News EU educational programmes open for Serbian students and education staff Jovan2014-10-30T21:05:50+02:0030/10/2014|Categories: News|