National authorities in charge of implementation of chapter 23 Action Plan presented the report on activities undertook in the last trimester of 2016.

Serbia has made progress on the European path, particularly as regards chapter 23. This is a general assessment of compliance with chapter 23 Action Plan requirements from the report made by national authorities in charge of its implementation.

“At the end of the last trimester, we can say that we have undertook some 71 percent of activities foreseen for 2016 and that we have had the best results within subchapter Fundamental Rights (89%). With regard to fight against corruption, however, the success rate was lower,” Kuburovic said.


Head of the EU Mission Michael Davenport said that meeting the obligations arising from Action Plans within the time limit was crucially important to overall negotiating process.

“The preparation of quality Action Plans for chapters 23 and 24 was an important precondition for their opening,” Davenport said.

Head of Serbia’s EU accession Negotiating Team Tanja Miscevic said that meeting the obligations regarding the rule of law was among Serbia’s top priorities.