The European Union continuously cooperates with Serbia on its path to membership, with the rule of law being one of its priorities. This is precisely why the Free Legal Aid project, implemented by GIZ and co-financed by the EU and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ), is vital for ensuring human rights before courts for those who cannot afford legal representation.

EU Ambassador to Serbia, Emanuele Giaufret, speaking at the Forum on Free Legal Aid, jointly organised by USAID, the Ministry of Justice, and GIZ, stressed that more work is required, particularly in the areas covered by Accession Chapters 23 and 24, as Serbia progresses towards EU membership.

“One can say that a legal protection is as strong as its accessibility to those most vulnerable.  Navigating the legal system is not easy and it can become unsurmountable for many people with limited means. Nevertheless, ensuring that everyone have this possibility remains a question about upholding equality and human dignity”, ambassador said.

Guafuret reminded that this is precisely what the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights guarantees – the right to an effective remedy before a tribunal, and a fair trial and added that it is important that there is an effective system of free legal aid in place enabling quick resolution of legal disputes.

“I am glad that the EU, through the project ‘Strengthening the rule of law in Serbia’, is supporting expertise to Serbian institutions in tackling barriers to justice for vulnerable persons”, said EU ambassador.

The United States Ambassador, Christopher Hill, congratulated and thanked everyone involved in the project.

“Equal protection before the law is crucial for any country. If you don’t have – or, worse, don’t want – a lawyer, you’re in serious trouble. I am proud that USAID is implementing this project, which strengthens Serbian democracy,” said the American Ambassador.

The Serbian Minister of Justice, Maja Popović, highlighted the significant role played by the US Embassy, the EU Delegation in Serbia, and the German Embassy in strengthening Serbia’s free legal aid system.

“Our partners, through logistical and financial support, have laid a strong foundation for the advancement of the Free Legal Aid Institute, which contributes to the democratic maturity of any society. It is particularly important to emphasise that this initiative ensures all citizens of Serbia have unrestricted access to justice,” she said.

The Forum on Free Legal Aid was organised by the United States Agency for International Development, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia, and GIZ, which is responsible for the project’s implementation.

With the support of the ‘Strengthening the Rule of Law in Serbia’ project, implemented by GIZ, the campaign to promote the free legal aid mechanism, titled ‘You Have the Right!’, will soon be launched. Alongside the campaign, training sessions on budgeting and processing free legal aid requests are being conducted in numerous municipalities and cities across Serbia. This campaign was jointly initiated by the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government of the Republic of Serbia, with the support of the ‘Strengthening the Rule of Law in Serbia’ project.