European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council President Donald Tusk have today sent a joint letter to EU Heads of State or Government, setting out the EU priorities for the G20 Summit which takes place on 7-8 July in Hamburg, Germany.

The two Presidents write, by way of introduction: “Europe’s role in the world and our responsibility at the international level in these turbulent times are growing. More than ever the EU has become a global point of reference for all those who value the principles of liberal democracy and human rights, free and fair trade or concrete actions in facing global challenges, such as climate change, poverty, terrorism and illegal migration. A strong and determined Union is the best way to promote our values and interests, to support a rules-based multilateral system, and ultimately to protect and defend citizens. With this in mind we will participate in the G20 Summit in Hamburg later this week”.

In their letter, the two Presidents set out the EU’s goals in 9 different areas: 1. The G20’s key role in making the global economy work for all; 2. Bolstering an open and fair rules-based multilateral trading system; 3. Demonstrating that ambitious climate action is good for economic growth and jobs; 4. Tapping the potential of the digital revolution; 5. Advancing the global fight against tax avoidance and evasion; 6. Stepping up efforts to fight terrorism and terrorist financing; 7. Aiming for a more resilient international monetary and financial system; 8. Sharing responsibility for refugees and migrants; 9. Partnering with Africa for investment, growth and jobs. Presidents Juncker and Tusk will hold a joint press conference ahead of the G20 Summit, at 9.15 on Friday 7 July, in the G20 press centre in Hamburg. More information about the EU’s participation in the G20 is available in this brochure.