Within the promotional campaign “Healthy nature for a healthy life” of the “EU for Natura 2000 in Serbia” project, a photo-challenge is being organized for social networks titled “Take a picture of a Natura 2000 vehicle and win an award”. The competition, as well as the overall campaign, has the objective to promote the beautiful landscapes of Serbia and emphasize the importance of biodiversity and protecting the nature.

Title and objective of the competition

The main objective of the competition “Take a picture of a Natura 2000 vehicle and win an award” (“the Competition”) is to promote importance of biodiversity and raise awareness about protecting Serbia’s nature, through a campaign of branded public transportation vehicles in Belgrade, Nis and Novi Sad.

During two months of the campaign, the following vehicles will be branded by Natura 2000 photographs:

  • Belgrade: ten vehicles – bus lines 16, 23, 31, 56, 65, 74 и 95, as well as three trolleybus lines;
  • Nis: three buses;
  • Novi Sad: three buses.

Examples of the branded vehicles are shown in the pictures below:

Competition duration

The competition “Take a picture of a Natura 2000 vehicle and win an award” will last from the 16th of May to the 31st of May 2021.

Eligible participants

All persons who have an Instagram account open to public are eligible to participate.

Participation of minors is allowed with a consent of parents or caretakers. In case a minor (person under 18) wins one of the awards, a written consent or presence of a parent or caretaker will be required in order to receive the reward.

Participation conditions

The competition participants should take external photographs of Natura 2000 branded vehicles. The photographs have to be clear – blurred or otherwise unclear photographs will not be taken into account.

Interested persons who fulfil the eligibility requirements can take part in the competition by publishing their photographs on their Instagram account with a tag @EUuSrbiji on a photo and hashtag #Natura2000 #EuzaTebe.

Photographs have to be in 1080×1080 format for Instagram post.

The competition participants are considered owners of the photographs and are fully responsible for their content.


The best photographs will be chosen by a three-members committee comprised of representatives of: “EU for Natura 2000 in Serbia” project, Delegation of the EU to the Republic of Serbia, EU Info Centre in Belgrade.

Authors of the three winning photographs will receive vouchers for the purchase of the technical/photo equipment in the following amounts:

  • 1st place award: 40,000 RSD
  • 2nd place award: 20,000 RSD
  • 3rd place award: 10,000 RSD

Winners of the competition will be announced on the 5th of June 2021, the World Environment Day.

The method of announcing the winners and distributing the reward vouchers will depend on the epidemiological situation and related protection measures, about which the participants will be timely informed.