National Conference Get Involved – Define the Civil Society You Want!!!

The Vision for the Civil Society in Serbia in 2018 – creation of the first National Strategy for the enabling environment for the development of civil society will be held on Thursday and Friday, February 20th – 21st 2014 in Sava Centar in Belgrade

The conference will be attended by more than 400 civil society organisations representatives, national authorities and institutions, international organisations, diplomatic representations and distinguished guests from the region. The Conference will be opened by the Minister of Justice and Public Administration, Nikola Selaković (TBC), Head of Negotiating Team for Accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union, Tanja Miščević, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Ambassador Mr. Michael Davenport, H.E. Mr. Michael D. Kirby, U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mr. Nils Ragnar Kamsvåg, Ambassador of Kingdom of Norway to Serbia.

The representatives of the Offices for Cooperation with NGOs of both Governments of the Republic of Montenegro and the Republic of Croatia, as well the representatives of the Council of Europe and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and many others will also participate in the Conference.

The Conference is organised by Office for Cooperation with Civil Society of the Government of the Republic of Serbia in cooperation with the EU IPA 2011-2013 project “EU Support to the Office for Cooperation with Civil Society” and TASCO Serbia Regional Office.

Draft National Conference Agenda