Environmental protection is one of the topics that attract the most attention of journalists – participants in the project Pulse of Europe – Media Trips to EU. Marija Dedić, the editor of the Cirkularna ekonomija web portal researched how Slovenia managed to be the first in the region to make a successful transition to a circular economy. The Regional Center for Waste Management in Ljubljana processes the waste of 837,000 citizens, which is more than a third of the population of Slovenia. During 2018, the first store without plastic packaging was opened in Ljubljana, the author writes in an article published on the web portal, as well as on the portal Ekapijahttps://cirkularnaekonomija.org/zasto-je-slovenija-prva-u-regionu-u-cirkularnoj-ekonomiji-znacaj-licne-inicijative-interesa-kompanija-politicke-podrske-i-zelenog-dnk/ Watch the video as well.