Ambassador Fabrizi presents EU Glossary for better understanding of the EU News Ambassador Fabrizi presents EU Glossary for better understanding of the EU Jovan2018-11-26T16:07:45+02:0023/11/2018|Categories: News|
EIB finances improvements to Serbian waterways News EIB finances improvements to Serbian waterways Jovan2019-03-06T09:38:12+02:0023/11/2018|Categories: News|Tags: EU for Serbia|
Fabrizi: Serbian market is connected to the European News Fabrizi: Serbian market is connected to the European Jovan2018-11-23T12:14:21+02:0022/11/2018|Categories: News|
Fabrizi: Young people will shape the future of Serbia in the EU News Fabrizi: Young people will shape the future of Serbia in the EU Jovan2018-11-29T09:16:45+02:0021/11/2018|Categories: News|
Fabrizi: Pristina’s measures violate CEFTA agreement News Fabrizi: Pristina’s measures violate CEFTA agreement Jovan2018-11-22T12:12:10+02:0021/11/2018|Categories: News|
European Commission welcomes agreement on foreign investment screening framework News from Brussels European Commission welcomes agreement on foreign investment screening framework Jovan2018-11-21T14:27:29+02:0021/11/2018|Categories: News from Brussels|
European Commission’s Structural Reform Support Programme is delivering on its objectives News from Brussels European Commission’s Structural Reform Support Programme is delivering on its objectives Jovan2018-11-21T14:25:52+02:0021/11/2018|Categories: News from Brussels|
Hahn: Western Balkans’ European perspective is a process based on merit News Hahn: Western Balkans’ European perspective is a process based on merit Jovan2018-11-20T09:13:07+02:0019/11/2018|Categories: News|
Agenda 2030 Sustainable development goals in the centre of EU-Serbia partnership News Agenda 2030 Sustainable development goals in the centre of EU-Serbia partnership Jovan2018-11-21T11:59:09+02:0019/11/2018|Categories: News|