Nowadays, like never before in recent history has energy savings, efficiency and the provision of renewable sources played such an important role in everyday lives. The UN Climate Change Conference COP27 will be organised in Egypt in November 2022 and will tackle urgent climate change issues while encouraging the world to increase mitigation ambition and to show progress on mitigation, adaptation and finance in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

Tackling climate change and energy issues has never been so urgent and are some of the main topics of Climate Diplomacy Week 2022.

The EU ‘Climate Diplomacy Week’ is part of the annual global campaign launched by the European Union and its Member States to foster cooperation on climate change and inspire real action. Climate Diplomacy Week shares learnings, celebrate progress, and continues to build momentum for climate action between the EU and the rest of the world.

This year’s Climate Diplomacy Week in Serbia takes place from October 25 to November 1. It will cover topics such as energy savings, energy efficiency, and accelerating the use of renewable energy sources for a more sustainable future.

On this occasion, the EU Delegation in Serbia is organising several activities, among which the following stand out:

  • panel discussion in partnership with Green Fest on electricity and energy saving – 26.10. from 6 p.m., venue Miljenko Dereta, Dobračina 55
  • three screenings of the French documentary film “Once I know”in Belgrade – 28.10. EU info Center from 6 p.m., EU Info Point Niš – 31.10. from 5 p.m. 1.11. in the French Cultural Center Novi Sad from 6 p.m.
  • “Climathon conference” in Valjevo organized by the local NGO iRevolution – 29.10. from 11 a.m. in the Valjevo Cultural Center, Čika Ljubina 5

As part of the Climate Diplomacy Week, the EU Delegation to Serbia is engaged to participate to Serbia’s Climate Talks actively – Climate-smart Partnerships in the Decade of Action (UN programme on climate), organised by Serbia’s Ministry of Environmental Protection and the United Nations on 31st October 2022.

Considering the main topics for this year’s CDW, saving energy is the quickest and cheapest way to address the current energy crisis, while scaling-up renewable energy and energy efficiency will give a boost to the green transition and reduce greenhouse gases while improving energy security.

„On top of being essential to tackle the global threat of climate change, the current geo-political situation emphasises the importance of energy savings and increasing the use of renewables. That is crucial to reduce our dependences towards countries that try to use energy as a tool to pursue wars and imperialist ambitions, like what Russia is doing today in Ukraine. Energy efficiency is an important segment of the EU’s support to the Serbian energy sector. To reduce its energy consumption and negative environmental impact, Serbia already works with the EU on the introduction of more energy-efficient technologies and increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and industries. EU stays strongly committed to assisting Serbia to improve its policies in this sector as it has been doing for the last 20 years“, said Ambassador Emanuele Giaufret, EU Ambassador to Serbia.

The European Union is the biggest donor of the energy sector in Serbia, with investments exceeding 830 million EUR in grant funds since 2000. The EU is funding projects in Serbia that aim at the security of supply, diversification of energy sources, market liberalisation, and improved energy efficiency. The ultimate goal is to reduce pollution and mitigate climate change, which is the goal of the European Green Deal and the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, endorsed by Serbia in 2020.


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