You can do it too – this is the slogan of the second EU Opportunity Week, which will be held in Belgrade and Niš from 23 to 27 September 2024, and which is jointly organised by the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia and the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

Visitors will be able to get information about the most important programmes and funds of the European Union that are available to all citizens, organisations and businesses in Serbia. Opportunities are numerous and include public calls, grants, loans, youth opportunities, student exchanges, competitions, skills development and free training.

During 5 days, more than 100 information sessions and panels will be held, and those interested will find out completely free of charge how to apply for EU programmes, projects and funds – directly from representatives of current programmes and projects.

You can attend the event live in Belgrade (Europe House) and Niš (Tami Hotel), as well as online: you only need to register via the platform

The agenda of the EU Opportunity Week is thematically divided by day:

  • 23 September  – Business and Innovation (Belgrade)
  • 24 September – Culture (Belgrade)
  • 25  September – Civil sector and media (Belgrade)
  • 26 September – Youth, education and sports (Belgrade)
  • 27 September – Local development, green transition and territorial cooperation (Niš)

Full Agenda

A networking area is also organised- visitors will have the opportunity to make direct contact with representatives of the program, but also to meet people who managed to secure funds and realize their projects. During the EU Opportunity Week, new podcast episodes will be recorded, which will present new interesting topics and interlocutors. The broadcast of these stories is planned in October.

Every day, the beginning of the event will be marked by interesting panels in which well-known experts will participate, so they will talk about the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans and the opportunities that plan brings for businessmen and small and medium-sized enterprises. Panels on cultural heritage, civil society, youth and cross-border cooperation, as well as on the Intereg programme, are also planned.

For more information about the EU Opportunity Week, you can get information through the platform, where all calls and competitions are published, and the Europe House team provides support for all additional questions at

The EU Opportunity Week was organised for the first time in 2023 as a unique type of event in the region, where for the first time – in cooperation with over 50 partners – more than 100 European programmes were presented. The event, which lasted six days, was physically visited by 2,000 people, and 3,500 visitors followed the program online. The innovative feature was precisely the hybrid form of the event: those who were not able to come physically – followed online. This made it possible to reach all over Serbia, ensuring the availability of information to everyone.