Overview Total Budget: €522,9 million Thematic Categories: Internal Market, Law Enforcement, Education and Training Beneficiaries: Public Sector, Central Government Link: https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/business/customs-cooperation-programmes/customs-2020-programme_en Level of Financing (Eu Co-Financing Rate); For grants, 100% of the eligible costs where the latter are travel and accommodation costs, costs linked to organisations of events and daily allowances. Customs provides other types of interventions as well (not grants) such as public procurement contracts and reimbursement of costs incurred by external experts. Additional Information; If you are a Customs official interested in organizing or participating in programme activities, you should get in touch with your national programme coordinator. This person can advise on the eligibility of your idea for funding and can inform you about any forthcoming initiatives being organized in other participating countries. You can also contact the European Commission: TAXUD-Customs2020@ec.europa.eu.