
Total Budget: EUR 378 million

Thematic Categories: Education, Justice, Capacity Building

Beneficiaries: Public authorities, State / Region / City / Municipality / Local Authority, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, SMEs (between 10 and 249 employees), Microenterprises (fewer than 10 employees), NGO / NPO, Start Up Company, Enterprise (more than 250 employees or not defined), Public Services, National Government, Association, University

Level of Financing (Eu Co-Financing Rate): 90% – 80%

Link: https://ec.europa.eu/justice/grants1/programmes-2014-2020/justice/index_en.htm

Standard Eligibility Conditions;

a. the applicants must be public entities or private organisations, duly established in one of the countries participating in the Programme, or international organisation. Organisations which are profit-oriented must submit applications in partnership with public entities or private non-profit-oriented organisations;

b. the applications must be transnational and involve organisations from at least two participating countries;

c. For the year 2019, the EU grant applied for cannot be lower than € 75 000. Maximum Possible Rate of Co-Financing Of The Eligible Costs is 90%. For the duration of the project please refer to the specific Call but in most of the cases, the duration of the projects should not exceed 24 months. Depending on the requirements of each topic, the Applicant may submit an application on its own, or in partnership with other organisations, referred to as Partners.

The Commission will invite Framework Partners in writing to submit their proposal announcing the annual priorities.  These grants will fund operating costs and those activities of the network which have EU added value and contribute to the implementation of the objectives of the Programme among others: analytical activities, training activities, mutual learning, cooperation, awareness-raising and dissemination activities.  Maximum Possible Rate of Co-Financing Of The Eligible Costs is 80%

Additional Information:

EU added value; All actions to be funded by the programme must produce results whose benefits go beyond one single Member State. The following elements should in particular be looked at: Does the project contribute to the effective, comprehensive and consistent implementation of Union law instruments and policies? Will it improve public awareness and knowledge about the rights, values and principles deriving from Union law? Will it improve the understanding of potential issues affecting these rights? Is it likely to develop mutual trust among Member States and to improve cross- border cooperation? What is its transnational impact? Does it contribute to the elaboration and dissemination of best practices? Will it create practical tools and solutions that address cross-border or Union-wide challenges?

Pre-Financing option is valid depending on the duration of the project unless otherwise it is stated in project proposal (Please refer “Financial Guidelines for Applicants)

Tips for Applicants:

The activities to be financed in 2019 – mainly recurring activities, and to a smaller extent, also new ones – will have to be carried out by public authorities, universities, NGOs and other organisations. There are three priorities for 2019:

1. Judicial cooperation in civil matters

The aim is to promote judicial cooperation in civil matters and to contribute to the effective and coherent application and enforcement of EU instruments

2. Judicial cooperation in criminal matters

The aim is to promote judicial cooperation in criminal matters and to contribute to the effective and coherent application of EU mutual recognition instruments in criminal matters.

3. Support to the members of the European Judicial Network (EJN) in civil and commercial matters and to the national authorities, courts and professional association

The main objective is to contribute to the effective and coherent application of the EU acquis relating to judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters.

Promoting judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters:

  • Judicial training covering civil law, criminal law or fundamental rights;
  • Enhancing the rights of persons suspected or accused of crime and the rights of victims of crime;
  • EU drugs policy.