Overview Total Budget: €1,46 billion Thematic Categories: Art and Culture, Media, Competitiveness, Education Beneficiaries: Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, SMEs (between 10 and 249 employees), Microenterprises (fewer than 10 employees), Other, Education and Training Centres, Research Institution, Association / Trade Union, International Organization, NGO / NPO, Public Services, Start Up Company, Enterprise (more than 250 employees or not defined), Association, University, State / Region / City / Municipality / Local Authority Links: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/creative-europe/node_en https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/creative-europe Enquiries to: eacea-helpdesk@ec.europa.eu Creative Europe Programme 2021-2027: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2018/628229/EPRS_BRI(2018)628229_EN.pdf Commission’s proposal for Creative Europe 2021-2027 – internal note: https://research4committees.blog/2018/07/16/commissions-proposal-for-creative-europe-2021-2027-internal-note/ Serbia Desk: Dimitrije Tadic; +381 11 3398 026-+381 11 3398 880, dimitrije.tadic@kultura.gov.rs Nevena Negojevic; + 381 63 670 378, + 381 11 263 42 53, nevena@media.kreativnaevropa.rs Standard Eligibility Conditions Applications have to be submitted on behalf of organisations as private or public legal persons (e.g. associations, ltd. companies, Universities etc.). Applicants (project leaders and partners) must be active in the cultural and creative sectors and must provide evidence of their existence for at least two years. Project leader and partners have to show evidence of their activities in the cultural and creative sectors. Creative Europe is not open to applications from individuals. It does not support cultural investment projects. There are four different funding schemes available, these are: Cooperation projects: this funding scheme promotes the circulation of cultural and creative works and the mobility of cultural and creative players. It aims to improve access to European cultural and creative works and extend their reach to new and larger audiences. This scheme is further divided into two: For Smaller scale cooperation projects, there must be at least three cultural organisations involved (one project leader and at least two partners), from at least three different countries participating in the programme. The maximum EU grant available is EUR 200,000 representing a maximum of 60% of the total eligible budget. For larger scale cooperation projects, there must be at least six cultural organisations involved (one project leader and at least five partners) from at the least six different countries participating in the programme. The EU grant available amounts to a maximum of EUR 2 million representing a maximum of 50% of the total eligible budget. The maximum duration of a project is 48 months. Networks: network funding aims to support the professionalization of the cultural and creative sectors in order to operate transnationally and internationally. Funding proposals must consist of a minimum of 15-member organisations from at least 10 different countries participating in the programme. At least 5 of which must have their legal seat in 5 different Member States or EFTA countries. European platforms: this measure offers action grants to organisations showcasing and promoting European creators and artists, especially emerging talent, through genuine Europe-wide programming. Platforms must consist of a coordinating entity from any of the countries participating in the Culture sub-programme and a minimum of 10 member organisations from at least 10 different countries participating in the Culture sub-programme, including at least 5 from EU member States or EFTA countries. Literary translation: Publishers and publishing houses can apply for the translation and the promotion of a “package” of works of fiction from, and into, eligible languages. The maximum grant is EUR 100,000 which is the equivalent to a maximum of 50% of eligible costs. Translation, PR or distribution costs are eligible. Either the source or the target language must be officially recognized in an EU Member States or an EFTA country. Additional Information: No time constrains and no determined project budget. Pre-Financing option is valid depending on the duration of the project unless otherwise it is stated in project proposal (Please refer “Financial Guidelines for Applicants) Priority fields of the year can be found in annual work programme EUROPEAN ADDED VALUE • Support activities that are not financed at national level or that can be more efficiently supported at EU level (leverage effect) • Transnational character of supported activities (i.e. cross border mobility, networks) Tips for Applicants: Creative Europe Programme application process is relatively simpler than other big programmes. However, schemes could be insufficiently funded time to time compared to the potential interest they generate. So, the applicants should be prepared to be more competitive in their proposal.