Branislav Crveni (38), from Turija near Srbobran, decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and engage in agriculture after finishing high school. On about 60 hectares of fertile Vojvodina land, he grows wheat, corn and mercantile soybeans. In order to achieve record yields, for which his family has been known for many years, in addition to cooperation with the famous Novi Sad Institute for Crop and Vegetable Production, he also needed new mechanisation.

According to him, the reduction of inputs and the achievement of yields tailored to European farmers can be achieved by careful planning of each step in production, above all sowing, because it is a prerequisite for a good yield. Branislav also applied this method to the procurement of machinery – carefully step by step, in accordance with the possibilities and using all types of support available to farmers.

Branislav participated in the first public call for the procurement of new machinery and equipment and is one of the first paid beneficiaries of IPARD support in Serbia. He modernised his machinery with a plug-in spreader of mineral fertiliser and navigation for agricultural machinery, for which he was paid support of over EUR 21 000.

Immediately after the disbursement of funds, Branislav participated in a new, fifth public call within Measure 1, for the procurement of a portable sprinkler. The realisation of this investment did not go smoothly, given that the covid crisis brought new challenges in all sectors, including the sector for the production and distribution of agricultural equipment and machinery. After the extension of the deadline for the realisation of the investment, Branislav got his sprinkler, and soon after he received an incentive of over EUR 22 000.

It doesn’t end here. Branislav intends, with the help of IPARD support, to restore all his machinery. He also submitted a request within the Sixth Public Call for Measure 1. Considering that he is well placed on the ranking list, he hopes that with IPARD support, he will succeed, step by step, in improving his farm.

Other stories from the new newsletter “IPARD in the palm of your hand” can be found on the links below, in Serbian and English.

The European Union has donated EUR 230 million for agriculture and food security in Serbia since 2000. Raising competitiveness, standards of food safety and protection of public health, respect for animal welfare and environmental protection standards – these are the main directions of EU aid to this sector. IPARD (Instrument of pre-accession assistance for rural development) is the leading program in this area, within which EUR 175 million have been allocated for Serbia in the period between 2014 and 2020, with another EUR 55 million of national co-financing, and it is intended for agricultural producers.