EU’s Foreign Affairs Council adopted on Monday additional listings concerning situation in Ukraine and decided to step up external action to counter terrorism.


The Council unanimously adopted additional listings concerning separatists in Eastern Ukraine and their supporters in Russia. These consist of an asset freeze and a travel ban on 19 persons and 9 entities involved in action against Ukraine’s territorial integrity. To give space for current diplomatic efforts, the Council put the entry into force of the measures on hold until Monday 16 February 2015.

Foreign ministers supported efforts undertaken in view of a new meeting on Wednesday to finally reach full implementation of the Minsk agreements. “It’s our duty to give this attempt a chance,” said the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini.

Fight against terrorism

The Council decided to step up external action to counter terrorism, in particular in the Mediterranean, Middle East, North Africa, the Gulf and the Sahel.  Cooperation with key partners will be strengthened, new projects to support capacity building will be launched and action to counter radicalisation and violent extremism will be intensified.

High Representative Mogherini commented: “This has to stay a priority, not only for internal and security action, but also for our diplomatic and foreign policy.”
Council conclusions on counter-terrorism