The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, is arriving to Belgrade tomorrow. During his stay he will visit the Science and Technology Park of Belgrade with President Vučić and Prime Minister Brnabić and witness the signature of a joint project funded by the European Union (41,5 Million euro donation) and the World Bank (43 million euro loan) to support Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Serbia.

President Charles Michel will have then a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, which will be followed by a joint Press Conference.

Media can register to follow the visit at the Science and Technology Park and the joint Press Conference at the Serbian Presidency with the media services of the Serbian Presidency:

After his visit to Belgrade, the President of the European Council, Mr. Charles Michel will travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania.

Ahead of his visit to the Western Balkans, President of the European Council, Mr. Charles Michel gave on 18 May a speech before the European Economic and Social Committee where he reflected on the European perspective of the Western Balkans region. He stated that the enlargement process needs to be more effective and lively and to generate new momentum to encourage reforms.

‘’The solution would lie in a progressive and gradual integration, already during the accession process. More for more. For example, when a country meets the necessary standards in a given sector, it could actively participate with an advisory vote in the work of the Council of Ministers depending on the agenda. The country would also be gradually integrated into EU actions, as its compliance with the acquis is confirmed. For example, in certain areas of the internal market, the EU roaming area or the common energy market. And when the country achieves certain benchmarks, it would also benefit from access to European programmes and EU funding that offer concrete benefits to its citizens’’, stated President Michel. “Reversibility mechanisms should also be integrated in the process. […] For example, if a country backslides in terms of Rule of Law, certain benefits of integration could be withdrawn”, President Michel added.

For the full statement, please visit this website.