Six days of educational panels, useful discussions on agricultural topics, as well as delicious dishes from European countries marked the 91st International Agricultural Fair in the EU Pavilion.

Janusz Wojciechowski, the EU Commissioner for Agriculture, was an important guest of the Fair, and the Prime Minister Miloš Vučević, Prime Minister of Provincial Government Maja Gojković, and the Minister for European Integration – Tanja Miščević, Minister of Science – Jelena Begović, Minister of Agriculture – Aleksandar Martinović also visited the EU Pavilion. The host of the EU Pavilion was Emanuele Giaufret, Ambassador of the European Union in Serbia.


German sausages, Polish pierogi, and Balkan gibanica – this was prepared live on the second day of the Fair in the EU Pavilion. Plamena Halacheva, Deputy EU Ambassador to Serbia, German Ambassador to Serbia – Anke Konrad, with the help of a chef prepared lunch for the visitors, and the guests were served by the Polish Ambassador to Serbia – Rafal Pawel Perl.

Then, on the third day, Emanuele Giaufret and Tomaš Kuchta – Ambassadors of the European Union and the Czech Republic rolled up their sleeves in the kitchen. Visitors had a good time with Prague ham, Czech beer and arancini – a Sicilian snack.

The Ambassador of France in Serbia, Pierre Cauchard, also cooked, and the visitors were greeted by the Ambassador of the Netherlands Joost Reintjes, who presented a Dutch specialty – poffertjes pancakes.

Tyrolean grostl and bryndzove halušky – were a hit on the fifth day of the Agriculture Fair, and they were prepared in the EU Kitchen by Christian Ebner, the Ambassador of Austria to Serbia, and Monika Podsklanova Šuhajdova, Deputy Ambassador of Slovakia.

In addition to enjoying European delicacies, European experiences in the field of agriculture could also be heard.

Thus, from the stage of the EU Pavilion, experts from Hungary, Austria, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Denmark – shared their insights on agricultural practices from their countries. A great contribution was made by partners from all over Serbia, primarily experts from the Ministry of Agriculture and the Directorate for Agrarian Payments – that comprehensively presented the new IPARD III cycle of EU grants for farmers in Serbia.


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Find out more about the events at the Agricultural Fair – in the EU Pavilion – on our website, and on our social networks.

Let’s remember that the European Union was this year’s Partner of the Agricultural Fair. The European Union supported Serbian agriculture with more than EUR 150 million before the start of IPARD II Programme with the allocation of EUR 175 of EU support. The ongoing IPARD III Programme will bring even more opportunities for Serbian farmers and another EUR 288 million of EU support. The main objectives of IPARD support include increasing the competitiveness of Serbian farmers, preserving the environment and biodiversity, supporting rural businesses and communities, and developing rural infrastructure.